Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Menopause at 35, You're kidding right?

So now that I decided to go on with what I'll call "my bottom half" surgery, the fear has set in.  I WILL go through surgical menopause.  What the hell!  I'm not ready for that!  I knew I needed to talk to someone.  That someone was Dr. I at the Midlife Health Center.  I was so darn nervous.  Luckily I have some great friends!
My good friend Terri came with me.  She is insanely awesome and supportive.  I'm soooo glad she was there!  She helped me stay calm and asked some questions I wasn't even thinking about.
Dr. I gave me the run down:
Hot Flashes
Lower Bone Density (Increased risk for Osteoporosis)
Va jay jay dryness...ummm ok
Low Sex Drive
I'm signing up for this?
YES, I am.  I don't want cancer.  I don't want to go through what my family members have and are now going through.
She suggested an estrogen patch.  But she said I can't be on it very long because of the increased risk of breast cancer.
Good thing I'm getting the girls taken care of eventually I guess.
She said she usually would slap a patch on a woman in the recovery room, but that my Dr. might not agree with that due to blood clots after surgery.
In her experience she's seen woman right out of surgery, crying, losing their minds because they can't sleep with the lack of hormones.
On to my next Dr.'s appointment with my second surgeon.  Dr. D.  He just had to see me before surgery.  To say he was frank is an understatement. :(
Till then...

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