Wednesday, May 15, 2013


My appointment with my gynecologic oncologist,  Dr. HHYFH {see previous blog ;)} was on April 23, 2013.
I had all my papers, family history, my Mom's biopsy results all ready to go!  Of course I left them lying on my kitchen counter. :(  Lucky for me, I'm completely anal and scan all my documents into my computer and email them to myself, just in case! :)
My appointment was at 3:15, but the office called and said the Dr. was still in surgery, could I come at 4:15?  What, was I suppose to say NO?  Of course not!  I went to my Mom's and picked her up, because of course I still need my Mommy!  She came with me and we sat in the waiting room and talked, and talked and talked, til I was finally called at 5:15.
When Dr. HHYFH entered the room, my Mom say's "Oh we were wondering if you were the good looking Dr. standing out there."  MOM!!!  Seriously?  LOL
My Mom never usually holds anything back, but I think the chemo brain makes her even more talkative!
So once this majestical creature comes walking into the exam room, I couldn't help but stare!  Mom was right, he was good looking!  Well actually he was HOT AS HELL!  LOL That's just wrong!  My gyne that delivered my son, and delivered ME, was well, just a well qualified Dr.  HOT never entered my mind.  I don't want to be attracted to my gynecologist!!!
Anywho!  I can't even explain to you the compassion this man has.  I never met a person with a bed side manner as his.  He was AMAZING!
Of course we had to have a serious discussion.  We talked about all my options.  Hysterectomy with bilateral oophrectomy and salipingectomy and he suggested getting my cervix out as well.  He said with the gene testing being so new, who's to say that at some point they don't find an increased risk in cervical and uterine cancer.  He said he suggests it all goes.  WOW!  Really???  Ok, I'm starting to get scared now.
Then he starts talking about "the girls".  He suggested a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction.  I was almost in tears that moment.  He held my hand and put his hand on my leg, yes I liked it, lol, and told me that if I was his sister he would tell her the EXACT same thing.
Wow.  Now I really had some tough decisions to make.
Dr. HHYFH leaves the room and says I'll be right back to do an exam!  WHAT?????  What kind, oh no, not THAT kind of exam.  My Mom was like, I'll leave and Dr. HHYHF and I were both like, No, you can stay!  HAHA
I'll leave that part to your imagination. ;)
After all the "fun", we decided I was getting a hysterectomy with all the goods taken out.  With the BRCA2 diagnosis my chances of getting breast cancer are 90% and ovarian 27%.  He is very skilled at the Da Vinci robotic surgery.  I knew I wanted him to operate on me.  I just was expecting maybe later this year, in the fall perhaps.  Well NO!  He's leaving middle of May to go to another hospital system.  I just knew it had to be him that did my surgery.  So I'll probably have one of his last surgeries at the hospital I'm going to before he leaves.
My surgery is May 28, 2013.
Next my mind starts thinking "instant menopause".  OH CRAP.

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