Friday, May 24, 2013

WTAE Interview went great!

We had our interview yesterday with Michelle Wright from WTAE.  She came to my Mom's home and it went so good!  Meeting Michelle was like meeting a celebrity!  She is such a beautiful person.  She is even more BEAUTIFUL in person!  I feel so blessed we were given this opportunity to share our story with the community.  Here's how it all went!  We picked the perfect spot for the interview, which was my Mom's beautiful family room.  First she hooked a microphone up to my Mom and interviewed her.  My Mommy was AWESOME!  She was so poised and told her story so eloquently! Next came my turn.  OMG!  I was soooo nervous!  I think I did a pretty good job conveying the information I wanted to get across.  Well we thought we were done.  WELL....Life is funny, right?  The cameraman had the wrong microphones hooked up!  SERIOUSLY!!  So we had to do it again!  I was still nervous as all get out!  I feel the first interview was so much better since it was more spontaneous, but at least we got our story out!  The story should air sometime next Thursday or Friday (May 30th or May 31st).  I'm hoping to tape it and upload it here for you all to enjoy.   Here is a picture of us after the interview:
My Mommy, Michelle Wright and Me

Here is a picture of my Mommy and I's ovarian cancer awareness bracelets:
These an other fantastic bracelets can be purchased here:

Monday, May 20, 2013

WTAE Interview!!

My Mom contacted WTAE'S Michelle Wright about our situation.  She is coming to interview us on Thursday!  WOW!  I feel so grateful to bring awareness to Ovarian Cancer and BRCA gene mutations!  I'm sooooo nervous!  I hope I do a good job.  I really can't believe my Mommy and I are going to be on the news!  This is wonderful!  Please tune in!!!  I'm not sure when it will air, but they are taping it on Thursday.  I never thought my 15 minutes of fame would come from cancer.  I thought maybe it would be the fact I could do crazy tricks with my tongue, make funny voices or turn my feet backwards.  Such is life!
Here is what my Mommy submitted:
With the recent announcement Angelina Jolie just made regarding her mastectomy for preventative breast cancer I thought I would share my story which is very recent.  I would like my (our) story to make news so that other women can be aware of choices they have out there when faced with this very personal decision.

My mother passed away in 1979 at the age of 47 due to breast and ovarian cancer.  My maternal grandmother also had breast cancer. Many other family members also had other forms of cancer.  I'm currently 57 and was just diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer in February of this year.  I also had breast surgery at the age of 33 and 39 for pre-cancerous cysts.

I am being treated for my cancer at a local Hospital by Dr.C.  My cancer was found when I went to my GI doctor as I thought I was having intestinal problems.  I found out through a CT scan that I had tumors on my ovaries and that the cancer is on the wall of my abdomen and my intestines.  I'm having chemo before surgery because of the cancer being so widespread.  I have my last chemo at Magee this Thursday before they proceed with my surgery which should be around the first week in July.  Then most likely more chemo.

During my first visit with Dr. C at a local hospital, he reviewed my family history and suggested by daughter have the BRAC testing done.  She did and was tested positive.  My daughter, Jamie Chapel, has done extensive research and counseled with many doctors and surgeons from local hospitals over the last couple of weeks and has decided to have a complete hysterectomy and double mastectomy at her age of 35.  She will have the hysterectomy this May 28th and then the mastectomies in one year from now.

You can only imagine how hard this is for our family right now.  My daughter is my hero.  Having this surgery will reduce her chances of breast and ovarian cancer and hopefully give her a longer life to live to watch her son grow up.  There are many risks involved but she and I both feel those risks out weigh not having the surgery and to possibly end up like my mother or me.  She sees everyday what I am going through and it breaks her heart.

Thank you for listening to my story.

Pre Surgical Bloodwork

I feel all set! Got my blood work and EKG today. Nothing left to do except go through the "crappy", no pun intended, prep next Monday. Today I also scheduled an appointment with a Plastic Surgeon. I want to try and get all my ducks in a row for my impending breast surgery. So early July I have an appt. with a breast surgeon who will perform my double mastectomy and a plastic surgeon who will do the reconstruction. I want to know what's going to happen and if I'm even a candidate for the type of surgery that I want to have. That surgery scares the crap out of me. As a woman breasts are a part of you. You patiently wait as a pre teen for them to suddenly appear. You wait to wear your first training bra. I remember my first bra had tiny little tennis rackets in the front. In sixth grade I was called "stuffy", got to love kids. I didn't have big breasts, but I got them very early in my life. I feel my breasts did there job though. I got to breastfeed my son for 13 months! That was such an amazing experience. I really have no need for them anymore. I'll get newer, bigger, better ones right? The type of surgery I hope to get is a DIEP flap. That is where they take tissue from your abdomen and make breasts from it. So I guess the only plus is that you get a tummy tuck at the same time. BONUS! It's a very involved surgery that can last 6 -8 hours. My body will surely be scarred up for a while. I'll have to look past those scars and realize that they will fade eventually. This all scares the living crap out of me. What gets me through this is the fact that I am currently watching my Mom face a battle I NEVER want to endure. She is in pain daily. Especially during her chemo treatments. It sucks to feel so helpless. I wish I had a magic wand to make her all better. She truly is my hero. She was so sick on Saturday, but just HAD to go to Mason's gymnastic's program. It's the little things she doesn't want to miss. Here is a picture of my little gymnast and my HERO, my Mom and her husband Lou, my incredibly awesome StepDad.

Here is a link that explains the type of surgery I hope to have: DIEP FLAP

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Few Small Changes

Yesterday Dr. D gave me a call and told me that I now had a new decision to make.  Really.  What now I thought.  Well apparently the Da Vinci robot that they were to use to do my surgery had a recall on the scissors due to "sparking" injuries.  Of course I don't want to be sparked, I thought. He said they will still do the surgery laparoscopically, but they are unable to get all of the cervix out that way.  So I had to decide if I wanted to leave a piece of cervix or also have them go in vaginally to take it out.  I opted for choice two.  I don't want anything left in there.  If I'm going through all this, they can take it ALL out.  He said the nice benefit of the robot is that they can get everything out with it and it makes it really easy to stitch the va jay wall to ligaments.  On the other hand by doing it the way I'm getting it now, I will only have 3 incisions, instead of 5 in my abdomen and since he's going in vaginally, he can get a tighter stitch on the wall to the ligaments.  Which makes me really happy.  Go ahead and Google vaginal prolapse pictures.  Yeah, I don't want that crap happening to me!  He says the recovery should be about the same.   He really is such a  nice guy and takes the time to explain all the reasons why and how things are done.

Before my surgery I had to have an IVP (Intravenous Pyelogram) done.
An intravenous pyelogram (IVP) is an X-ray test that provides pictures of the kidneys, the bladder, the ureters, and the urethra (urinary tract camera). An IVP can show the size, shape, and position of the urinary tract, and it can evaluate the collecting system inside the kidneys.During IVP, a dye called contrast material is injected into a vein in your arm. A series of X-ray pictures is then taken at timed intervals.

The reason I had to have this test done, was when I was 4 I had to have a ureteral implant.  I was born with two ureters on my right side.  The surgeons needed to know where they implant into my bladder.  They will be working very closely to that area so it's important they know where both implant to they don't cut one.  They are having a urologist come in during surgery to put stents into my ureters so they can see them easier.  Dr. G will be doing that for me.  I really like him.  He was to the point, funny and I felt comfortable with him.  I'm glad he'll be doing this part of the surgery.

Yesterday I started not feeling so good.  A touch of a sore throat, headache and just really tired.  I'm hoping it's just allergies.  I think it also could be I'm just run down and stressed.  Unfortunately I always seem to get a sinus infection in the spring and fall.  I called my Dr. and had them order me a Z-pack just in case.  I'm going to try not to take it, but I wanted to have it on hand in case I start feeling worse this weekend.  I absolutely can not be sick at surgery time or they can't do it.  I'm kind of glad that if I am getting sick it's happening now and not two days before surgery so it will be all out of my system by surgery day.  So until then I'm loading up on Lemonade Airborne and drinking a ton of fluids.

Here's a picture of my double ureters.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Thanks for the love and support!

Here is a little video I made for all the people that support me.

Your words of support, prayers and encouragement keep me going.
I feel so blessed.
From the bottom of my heart

Angelina Jolie

I just wanted to share this here because I find it so totally awesome!

Copied from my FB post:
Angelina Jolie coming out that she had a double mastectomy with reconstruction because she is BRCA+ is so inspiring to me. Having someone of her notoriety bringing awareness to gene testing and the scary decisions women must make if they find out they're positive is really awesome. Helps me stay more positive in my decisions to have preventive surgeries. GO ANGELINA! YOU ROCK!

Bright Pink!

From a great recommendation from Myriad Labs, I found  What a great resource for women that are BRCA positive.  They have a great program called PinkPal.  They connect you with someone that has already been through the journey you are about to embark on.  I finally got to talk to my PinkPal Lisa on May 13, 2013.  She is amazingly knowledgeable and made me feel so much better about what I'm about to endure.  I'm so glad I have someone to go to with questions.  Someone that has been there done that.
Now I just wait the wait until surgery.
I got all my i's dotted and all my t's crossed.  Each day closer makes me a bit more nervous.
I'm ready for this!  I CAN and I WILL do this!
Thanks for all the support.
Jamie ♥☺

Dr. D

Dr. HHYFH is having Dr. D assist him with my surgery.  I had to meet with him so he could examine and get a chance to talk with me.  Awesome.  My appointment was May 13, 2013.
He is a really, really nice guy, BUT he tells it like it is, and does not sugarcoat.
He used words like castrate, really can't you just say your taking my parts out.  That word sounds like something you want to do to a pedophile.
He told me like it is.  He went over all the menopause crap, but not as sugary as Dr. I.  I actually really appreciated his honesty.
He wants me to do a hormone patch, but not for two weeks after surgery.
I left that appointment really upset and even more scared.  Am I really making the right decision?
YES, I am.
I decided to go to GNC and buy some PhytoEstrogen pills for the interim.  I hope they work.  I would actually like to take just those and never use a patch if possible.


Cindy is the Surgical Coordinator at my Dr's office. I just need to give her a big kudos for great support! That woman has taken several calls, listened to my rants and helped me tremendously! There needs to be more people like her in the medical field! She truly is a gem and I hope she is truly appreciated for all that she does!

Menopause at 35, You're kidding right?

So now that I decided to go on with what I'll call "my bottom half" surgery, the fear has set in.  I WILL go through surgical menopause.  What the hell!  I'm not ready for that!  I knew I needed to talk to someone.  That someone was Dr. I at the Midlife Health Center.  I was so darn nervous.  Luckily I have some great friends!
My good friend Terri came with me.  She is insanely awesome and supportive.  I'm soooo glad she was there!  She helped me stay calm and asked some questions I wasn't even thinking about.
Dr. I gave me the run down:
Hot Flashes
Lower Bone Density (Increased risk for Osteoporosis)
Va jay jay dryness...ummm ok
Low Sex Drive
I'm signing up for this?
YES, I am.  I don't want cancer.  I don't want to go through what my family members have and are now going through.
She suggested an estrogen patch.  But she said I can't be on it very long because of the increased risk of breast cancer.
Good thing I'm getting the girls taken care of eventually I guess.
She said she usually would slap a patch on a woman in the recovery room, but that my Dr. might not agree with that due to blood clots after surgery.
In her experience she's seen woman right out of surgery, crying, losing their minds because they can't sleep with the lack of hormones.
On to my next Dr.'s appointment with my second surgeon.  Dr. D.  He just had to see me before surgery.  To say he was frank is an understatement. :(
Till then...


My appointment with my gynecologic oncologist,  Dr. HHYFH {see previous blog ;)} was on April 23, 2013.
I had all my papers, family history, my Mom's biopsy results all ready to go!  Of course I left them lying on my kitchen counter. :(  Lucky for me, I'm completely anal and scan all my documents into my computer and email them to myself, just in case! :)
My appointment was at 3:15, but the office called and said the Dr. was still in surgery, could I come at 4:15?  What, was I suppose to say NO?  Of course not!  I went to my Mom's and picked her up, because of course I still need my Mommy!  She came with me and we sat in the waiting room and talked, and talked and talked, til I was finally called at 5:15.
When Dr. HHYFH entered the room, my Mom say's "Oh we were wondering if you were the good looking Dr. standing out there."  MOM!!!  Seriously?  LOL
My Mom never usually holds anything back, but I think the chemo brain makes her even more talkative!
So once this majestical creature comes walking into the exam room, I couldn't help but stare!  Mom was right, he was good looking!  Well actually he was HOT AS HELL!  LOL That's just wrong!  My gyne that delivered my son, and delivered ME, was well, just a well qualified Dr.  HOT never entered my mind.  I don't want to be attracted to my gynecologist!!!
Anywho!  I can't even explain to you the compassion this man has.  I never met a person with a bed side manner as his.  He was AMAZING!
Of course we had to have a serious discussion.  We talked about all my options.  Hysterectomy with bilateral oophrectomy and salipingectomy and he suggested getting my cervix out as well.  He said with the gene testing being so new, who's to say that at some point they don't find an increased risk in cervical and uterine cancer.  He said he suggests it all goes.  WOW!  Really???  Ok, I'm starting to get scared now.
Then he starts talking about "the girls".  He suggested a bilateral mastectomy with reconstruction.  I was almost in tears that moment.  He held my hand and put his hand on my leg, yes I liked it, lol, and told me that if I was his sister he would tell her the EXACT same thing.
Wow.  Now I really had some tough decisions to make.
Dr. HHYFH leaves the room and says I'll be right back to do an exam!  WHAT?????  What kind, oh no, not THAT kind of exam.  My Mom was like, I'll leave and Dr. HHYHF and I were both like, No, you can stay!  HAHA
I'll leave that part to your imagination. ;)
After all the "fun", we decided I was getting a hysterectomy with all the goods taken out.  With the BRCA2 diagnosis my chances of getting breast cancer are 90% and ovarian 27%.  He is very skilled at the Da Vinci robotic surgery.  I knew I wanted him to operate on me.  I just was expecting maybe later this year, in the fall perhaps.  Well NO!  He's leaving middle of May to go to another hospital system.  I just knew it had to be him that did my surgery.  So I'll probably have one of his last surgeries at the hospital I'm going to before he leaves.
My surgery is May 28, 2013.
Next my mind starts thinking "instant menopause".  OH CRAP.

Let's Talk Testing

After finding out about genetic testing, I knew it was for me.  I called my Dr. and he told me my Mom had to have the test first.  Well, with her already being diagnosed we thought that pointless. (It's not pointless, but we'll get to that later!)  Why have her do that when it doesn't matter if she's positive or not?  I begged my Dr. to order the test.  Gave him my reasons and he finally agreed.  During that conversation I discussed my family history and asked if I should be getting a Mammo.  He said "NO", you can wait until your 40.  Really??  I didn't feel that was right.  I just had this strange feeling that I just had to keep pushing for what I felt was right.
I had my BRCA testing March, 26th 2013 at 10:15am.
I was nervous as hell.  Not because of the actual test, but what the results may be.
I was expecting a blood test, but that's not what I got.  All I had to do was swish a mini bottle of Scope in my mouth (buccal testing) and spit in a test tube several times.  I actually still have the rest of that bottle of Scope.  I remember trying to bite the insides of my cheeks to make sure enough cells would find their way into my spit/Scope mix.
Myriad Genetics is the lab that runs the test.
I was praying it would be covered by my insurance because it is a VERY expensive test.  Lucky me, because of my family history it was!  I received a phone call from Myriad letting me know the test was covered, but that if it came back negative they recommended I have the BART test.  It's just a deeper analysis of the genes.  They informed me this would NOT be covered by my insurance, that I could pay them $700 with a nice no interest 25 month financing option.  I wasn't so sure.  I said, let me get back to you on that.  They informed me that if my Dr. really wanted me to have it, they could fight for it.  I figured I'd talk to my Dr. at some point, but wasn't really worried about it.  10 minutes after I hung up with them, they called me back and said due to my family history, the BART test could be covered under the Affordable Care Act.  YAY!
On April 16th, 2013 I got a phone call that would change my life forever.
I was BRCA2 POSITIVE. (Ironically they ran the BART test too, even though the BRCA was positive, hell I didn't have to pay for it, so no loss I guess!)
Well what the hell does that mean???
My Dr. as nice as he his, couldn't tell me crap.  In retrospect I wish I was referred to a genetic counselor that could have sat down and discussed what all this meant.  I was lost.  I had to turn to the good ol' internet for advice, once again.  What he could tell me was that I would no need a Mammo, MRI, two breast exams by physicians yearly, a CA-125 blood test and a pelvic ultrasound every six months.  (Oh how things change!  I thought I didn't need a mammo til I was 40!)
My advice to you:  If you feel strongly about something, FIGHT FOR IT!  It's your body and you only have one!
I called Myriad because I was kinda lost and they led me to some great resources I'd like to share:
Next step was talking with a Gynecologic Oncologist...what?  But I DON'T have cancer.
And so my appointment with, we'll call him Dr. HOLY HELL YOUR FREAKING HOT! or HHYFH for short. :)

The bottle of Scope that changed my life:

My Mom has Cancer? Seriously?

My Mommy, my bestest friend, was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer on February 27, 2013. She had just endured three major surgeries in the last year and had been on pain medication for over 8 months. Finally feeling better she quit taking her pain meds. About two weeks before her diagnosis she called me and told me her stomach hurt. That she was in a lot of pain and couldn't eat. Going to the bathroom was immensely painful. We wrote it off as constipation, possibly diverticulitis. She tried going on a 3 day diverticulitis cleanse, no help. Finally she went to the doctor. Her doctor ordered a CT scan of her abdomen. She went and had the scan and later that night she got a phone call telling her she needed to come into the Dr's office the next day. She was scared, I was scared, but we didn't know why yet. The next day she went to the Dr's office and they told her she had CANCER. WHAT? CANCER??? NO! NO! NO! Who could believe that? Who would want to? The part that angered me soooooo much, was that she was all ALONE. Who in their right mind could tell someone that and expect them to just drive home and go on with their day? I was and still am disgusted with how her Dr's office handled the whole situation. Her husband told me the news and I immediately went to be with my Mom. When I got there she was crying, who wouldn't be? I was in shock. I just didn't want to believe it. I found her pouring over the internet reading way too much, and feeling hopeless. It didn't hit me for a day or two. I just couldn't believe this was happening. Then I got obsessed with the internet research. Sad, crying, depressed. I can't, I WON'T lose my Mommy. Well a few days passed and my Mom had some Dr's appointments and got a treatment plan in place. Gone was the hopeless, tearful woman I saw the day she was diagnosed. ;Back was my Mommy, the fighter, the strongest, most head strong person I know, the person I knew wouldn't let this get her down.
Fast forward to today.
My Mom has had 3 chemo treatments and 1 to go this Thursday, 5/16/13. Chemo sucks...period.  really got her down. But in a week, she was feeling better after her treatments. Now that she's coming upon her last one, she's like a seasoned pro at this. She knows what to expect. She lost her hair, and we made the most of it. We actually cracked up when I shaved and yes, vacuumed her head! She has been so positive! Her last blood test showed her CA-125 levels are down by 7,000 and the tumors are shrinking. Chemo, as crappy as it is, is doing it's job. She is scheduled to have surgery early in July.
With my Mom's diagnosis I was scared. My maternal grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 45 and died at age 47 of breast and ovarian cancer. My great grandmother also had breast cancer. There is also male breast cancer on my Mom's side, among many, many other cancers. What did this mean for me? I feel like a ticking time bomb, but what could I do? When researching ovarian cancer I kept seeing all these things about BRCA1 and BRCA2. So I got curious. Researched more and more about it. When I found out it was a mutated gene that may cause these cancers, I knew I HAD to be tested. And so my journey begins....